California’s jade country has many wonders. Here are some of my adventures with the stone.

Jade Mining
Jade Mining Exploring a new acquisition in the hot dry foot hills of California’s western Sierras. Allowing me to offer bulk stone for carving and

Jade Diving
Jade Diving Diving in Big Sur today was about as calm as it gets. Rough by most diving standards, the ocean off of the Big

Jade Carving
Jade Carving Jade carving is a practice in patience. To hone this craft is a lifetime endeavor. I often find myself having to think outside

Big Sur Jade
Big Sur Jade Big Sur is home to the only known under sea concentration of jade in the world. These stones come in an array

Jade Hunting
Jade Hunting Walking the beach for hours provides a place where thoughts escape me. The hustle of the world just seems to stop. Where the